All About Allergic Diseases

Allergic diseases are all over continents across the world; especially in under-developed countries. Asthma, anaphylaxis, eczema, rhinitis, urticaria, angioedema are all allergic diseases. Children have the most contact with allergic diseases recently, past two (2) decades. Once one perceives the substance as noxious and it causes an exaggerated reaction inhaled, ingested or touched it is an allergy. When a foreign agent is detected (allergen) the immune system is activated. Allergy symptoms occur by these allergens which trigger allergic reactions like skin rashes, #urticaria, perennial allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergies, reactions to venom of stinging insects like wasps and bees.
Types of allergys
Inflammation of the lining membranes of the nose by exposure to allergens is allergic rhinitis. It is a symptomatic disorder which is induced by the nose. Hay fever or seasonal rhinitis' symptoms may be relieved by antihistamine drugs or a common type of desensitization treatment which is a general gradual treatment of the allergy. Introduce the allergen and gradually treat the person until no allergy symptoms occur. Suppressor drugs, sodium chrmoglycate, antihistamines &; steroid preparations.
Itching and swelling of the skin when it looks like a dark red skin patch is a type of hive or Urticaria. Lasts (6) six weeks usually. Can be brought on by having an allergic response to food, types of medication, insect stings, bits, etc. Most cases of chronic urticaria is unknown.
Asthma is due to the inflammation of the bronchial walls and constriction of the airways in the lungs. Coughing, trouble to breathe, tiredness and wheezing are the symptoms. It occurs during bedtime and exercise in people of all ages and can be mild or harsh. Detection is mainly diagnosed by history. Nasal smear #eosinophils, blood tests, skin tests, and avoidance is required to properly tackle asthma.

Allergies can be rapid and dramatic especially on the skin as soon as an allergic reaction begins. 
Peoples lives, social interactions, school life and; work productivity are all affected by allergic diseases. Asthma is accompanied with stuffy and runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, nose, palate or the throat, tearing.
Some allergies run in the family like hay fever, asthma and eczema, a pattern called atopic. Ige is a type of antibody which stop allergies. A person has unpredicatable new and old allergies because the immunoregulatory network changes during ones lifetime.  

Common causes of allergies:
Pollen of flowers and #plants, hair of animals, dust mites, household fungi molds with damp areas and little sunlight and dust, medications, insect stings and bites, foods, feathers, dander, milk, eggs, strawberries, shellfish, alcoholic drinks, drugs, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, atmospheric pollutants, man made fibers.

Antibodies are made when the human body is in a response to a potentially harmful substance like a virus. Once the symptoms have subsided and the human body is infected a second time the antibodies now are specific to that allergy.


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