Tropical Fruit N- Z Recipe

[Sorrel] A hibiscus A healing flowering shrub
Indulge Indulge Indulge darker the better
Scientifically, it is called Hibiscus Sabdariffa
Enjoyed by all ages
A Christmas drink
Statisfying sigh once it touches the stomach
Refreshes the taste buds
Name changes all over the world
Originated in North America/believed
Name Karkade in Egypt / Sudan
Flor de Jamaica Latin American name
Can be served hot or cold
Caribbean cranberry
Mild laxative
Increases urination
Prevents hypertension
Used as a cooling herb
Toxic tea from leaves and flowers to assist with digestive and kidney functions
Heated leaves are applied to feet for cure heals and cracks, on boils and ulcers
Used just as pawpaw where the leaves, seeds, flowers, roots are all utilized
This plant is on the priority for those want a versatile medicinal shrub
Recipe - Leaves cooked as spinach, seeds dried as nuts like pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Fleshy part calyces(petal) when fresh make wine, juice, jam jelly, syrups, gelatin deserts, puddings, cakes, ice cream, flavorings. Dried calyces can be brewed as tea, spice in butters, sauces, tarts. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads.  
Helps provide cancer
Diuretic properties

Seeds can be roasted ground into a powder used in soups , sauces or coffee substitute.
Contains Anthocyanin and should be consumed in significant amounts. Diuretic ingredients ascorbic, citric and glycolic acid. The calyces posses pectin that make jellies firm. Red is an indicator of antioxidants, flavonoids, gossypetine, hibiscetine and sabdaretine.
The fresh calyces are rich in riboflavin, ascorbic acid, niacin, carotene, calcium, iron.
The seeds are high in protein.


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