-Planets mars red, Uranus ice giant green both above Venus.
-Sun with a solar eclipse. Two (2) in 2017. One late in August and the other this month on the 26th.
-Moon eclipse a bright orange star Aldebaran especially seen from Caribbean, Central America. See trajectory here.
- Moon eclipse penumbral eclipse
-Moon joins Jupiter on mornings with blue white-Spica a constellation in Virgo
-Moon meets Saturn
Beehive star cluster near the moon. Messier 4. The moon seems to hang over it. Very spectacular.
The moon would fall close to Regulus.
- Old faithful Icy Visitor Comets first half of February. Signpost Venus. Comet Encke discovered in 1819 visits every 3.3. years . Tiny, fuzzy green backlight at three middle fingers from Venus. Same field of view at 5 degrees away. Disappear near mid march.
-Meteror shower shooting stars seemed to be only viewed from Centaurus at pre-dawn hours. 5 -10 every hour Alpha Centaurid.
Bubbles of exciting moments with the binocular.